Friday, September 28, 2012

Get Your Goat!

Next week I would like there to be at least one "Get Your Goat" WOD. A goat is any skill or movement that gives you a hard time. Goats, for most people, tend to be high skill or highly technique dependent movements like the snatch, overhead squat, muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, or double-unders. Bottom line, they are movements you suck at!

I want to do something a little different for a WOD (or two) next week. I want you guys to help program it! I bet you're thinking, "What's the catch"? The catch is that you guys get to pick the movements, but I get to pick the rep scheme, the weights, and the time domain. Be honest with me. I have a pretty good idea of what everyone sucks at. LOL. Don't worry there are plenty of movements I suck at too. That's why we do what we do, to get better. Each WOD is programmed to help us suck less at what we suck at. It should be fun getting better!!!

Take this weekend to think of 2-3 goats and either post them in the comments below or post them on the X Four Three Fitness Facebook page. Have a great weekend!!!

WOD 9.28.12

Christina mastering the rope climb!

10 minute AMRAP:

400m Run
15 Push Presses, 115/75

From The Outlaw Way

Post time to comments.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

WOD 9.27.12


Shoulder Press:

3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

*% based off of 90% of 1 RM.



For time:

21 Thrusters, 95/65
100 Sit-ups
15 Thrusters, 95/65
100 Squats
9 Thrusters, 95/65

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WOD 9.26.12



3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

*% is based off of 90% of your 1RM


3 rounds for time:
compare to WOD 7.24.12

10 Turkish get-ups, 24/16kg
10 1-arm squat snatches, 24/16kg
10 1-arm overhead squats, 24/16kg

*do each movement as follows, 5 reps with the right arm, 5 reps with the left arm.

Post loads and time to comments.

This One's For Jack Charity WOD-Saturday 9/29/12

Jack was Teresa's cousin. Below was written by her aunt and Jack's grand mom Linda Lyman.

Young Jack has had constant medical issues since he was born in 2008. He has now been diagnosed with less than a year to live due to a failing heart and is in hospice care. Even with insurance, his medical bills are crushing. His family needs help catching up, as well as with the funeral expenses they will be facing in the future.
Jack has the most infectious smile of any child you’ve met. Despite many, many difficulties, when Jack is pain free, he is a happy, laughing three year old. Born with several birth defects, Jack currently functions on the level of a three month old infant. For reasons unknown, Jack was born blind, has microcephaly, and a malformed heart. His digestive system doesn’t work right, so he has been on tube feeding since his first year. He is now on IV nutrition because part of his intestine doesn’t work as it should—and he has a hypersensitive pain reaction to any gut movement. Because of these ongoing medical issues, Jack has been in pain for much of the past year. Now, his heart is failing, and his doctors give him less than a year to live. After three plus years of caring for Jack at home, Will and Katie recently made the hard decision to place him in a residential hospice facility where he can get the 24/7 skilled nursing care he needs. It has made a huge difference in his comfort level. Before Jack was transferred to Hospice care, he had nine separate hospitalizations since December 2011, including a week in PICU. Even with insurance, the family’s medical bills are crushing. His parents have tapped every resource at their disposal, family and friends have made contributions when they can, but the expenses keep mounting up. So many people have asked me what they can do to help, that I decided to set up this fund raiser. A few dollars here, another few there, and maybe we can ease the crunch a bit. Thank you all in advance. The love, support and prayers the family has received over the past three years have been incredible, and much appreciated.

Recently, Teresa went to visit Jack. When she came home, we thought it would be a great idea to have X Four Three host a special charity WOD to benefit the Lyman family. Sadly, Jack passed away this past Thursday, but the huge financial burden of Jack's illness is still is still felt. We look forward to seeing everyone on the 29th!!! Thank you.
From Street Road, turn on to Johnsville Blvd. Then turn right on to Veterans Way. Follow Veterans Way all the way to the parking lot. The runway is a short walking distance from the parking lot.

Please let us know if you are planning on attending. This will help us to plan out everything so the event can run as smoothly as possible. Thank you!!!

WOD 9.25.12


EMOM for 5 minutes:

Odd minutes:
2 Squat snatches

Even minutes:
2 Handstand push-ups


5 rounds:

200m run
10 Squat cleans, 135/95

*rest 90 seconds after each round.

Post total working time to comments.

Monday, September 24, 2012

WOD 9.24.12


Sled pulls
4 x 100m, sled weight plus 75/55# of plates


4 rounds:

1 minute AMRAP:
Box jumps, 24/20"

1 minute AMRAP:
Thrusters, 75/45#

Post total reps to comments.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paleo Pancakes and Waffles

Paleo Coconut Flour Pancakes and Waffles. These are delicious! Teresa and I tweaked the recipe a bit. We also double the recipe so we can have some leftovers. The base recipe is from

-1/2 cup coconut flour
-8 eggs
-2 tbsp coconut milk
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp nutmeg
-1/2 baking soda
-2 tsp agave nectar
-1 tbsp of almond or coconut oil

1. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine all ingredients with a whisk or hand mixer.
2. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan or griddle to medium heat.
3. Pour 1/8 cup of batter into the pan or griddle.
4. Cook for 2 minutes, flip, cook for 2 more minutes and repeat with the rest of the batter.

1. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine all ingredients with a whisk or hand mixer.
2. Heat a waffle iron to medium to medium/high heat.
3. Pour 1/8 cup of batter into center of the waffle iron.
4. Waffles are done when they easily separate from the waffle iron, typically 3-5 minutes.

One waffle or one pancake is approximately 1 block of protein and 1/2 block of carbohydrates.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

WOD 9.20.12


Power clean, 155/105
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
KBS, 24/16kg

Post time to comments.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WOD 9.19.12


Push Press:

3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

*% based off of 90% of your 1RM.


2011 Reebok CrossFit Open WOD 1

10 minute AMRAP:

30 Double-unders
15 Snatches, 75/55

Post time to comments.

What is your favorite lift?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WOD 9.18.12


Back Squat:

3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

*% is based off of 90% of your 1RM.


8 minute AMRAP:

10 Shoulder to overhead, 95#
10 Jumping lunges (alternating)
10 GHD sit-ups

*compare to 6.12.12

Post rounds/reps to comments.

Monday, September 17, 2012

WOD 9.17.12

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:

50' Overhead walking lunges, right arm, 32kg KB
10 KBS, 32kg
50' Overhead walking lunges, left arm, 32kg KB
*10 total rounds with the burpees decreasing by one rep each round. All the other movements stay the same distance/reps.

Post time to comments.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

WOD 9.14.12

5 rounds:

400m run
10 Deadlifts, 225/135
*rest 90 seconds after each round

Post total time to comments.

What did you have for breakfast today? (post to comments)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WOD 9.13.12

Jon looking strong front squatting!


Back Squat:

3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%


5 rounds:

20 Push Presses, 75/55
20 Overhead Squats, 75/55

Post time to comments.

WOD 9.12.12

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:

GHD sit-ups
Pistols (alternating)

Post time to comments.

Monday, September 10, 2012

This One's For Jack Charity WOD


Young Jack has had constant medical issues since he was born in 2008. He has now been diagnosed with less than a year to live due to a failing heart and is in hospice care. Even with insurance, his medical bills are crushing. His family needs help catching up, as well as with the funeral expenses they will be facing in the future.
Jack has the most infectious smile of any child you’ve met. Despite many, many difficulties, when Jack is pain free, he is a happy, laughing three year old. Born with several birth defects, Jack currently functions on the level of a three month old infant. For reasons unknown, Jack was born blind, has microcephaly, and a malformed heart. His digestive system doesn’t work right, so he has been on tube feeding since his first year. He is now on IV nutrition because part of his intestine doesn’t work as it should—and he has a hypersensitive pain reaction to any gut movement. Because of these ongoing medical issues, Jack has been in pain for much of the past year. Now, his heart is failing, and his doctors give him less than a year to live. After three plus years of caring for Jack at home, Will and Katie recently made the hard decision to place him in a residential hospice facility where he can get the 24/7 skilled nursing care he needs. It has made a huge difference in his comfort level. Before Jack was transferred to Hospice care, he had nine separate hospitalizations since December 2011, including a week in PICU. Even with insurance, the family’s medical bills are crushing. His parents have tapped every resource at their disposal, family and friends have made contributions when they can, but the expenses keep mounting up. So many people have asked me what they can do to help, that I decided to set up this fund raiser. A few dollars here, another few there, and maybe we can ease the crunch a bit. Thank you all in advance. The love, support and prayers the family has received over the past three years have been incredible, and much appreciated.

Recently, Teresa went to visit Jack. When she came home, we thought it would be a great idea to have X Four Three host a special charity WOD to benefit the Lyman family. Sadly, Jack passed away this past Thursday, but the huge financial burden of Jack's illness is still is still felt. We look forward to seeing everyone on the 29th!!! Thank you.
From Street Road, turn on to Johnsville Blvd. Then turn right on to Veterans Way. Follow Veterans Way all the way to the parking lot. The runway is a short walking distance from the parking lot.

WOD 9.11.12

In honor of Patriot Day we will be doing a Hero WOD.



3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

Shoulder Press

3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%

*% based off of 90% of 1RM


12 minute AMRAP:

12 Box jumps, 24"
6 Thrusters, 95#
6 Bar-facing burpees

U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, WI, assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team, based in Quantico, VA, was killed on December 6, 2006, during a live-fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, VA. 

He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri, and fiancee Paula Paulk. 

Post loads and rounds/reps to comments.

WOD 9.10.12


Partner WOD for time:

60 Walking lunges (30/person, done simultaneously)
50 Alternating burpees on the plate, 45#
40 Alternating med ball sit-ups, 20/15
30 Thrusters, 95/65
100m run
*The walking lunges, burpees on the plate, and med ball sit-ups are to be split evenly. Both partners must perform the walking lunges simultaneously. For the thrusters, the bar must not leave the front rack position until both partners complete their reps (30 reps). For the SDHP, once the bar is picked up, it can not be put down until both partners complete their reps (20 each). The 100m run is to be done with both partners. WOD time is stopped when the second person finishes the run.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Donna not letting a broken wrist get in the way of her training!

Officially starting this weekend X Four Three will not be posting WODs for the weekends. For the time being, our training split will be 5 days on (Monday-Friday) and 2 days off (Saturday and Sunday). However, Saturday classes will be held as a makeup class for one of the WODs that week. The WOD chosen will be at the discretion of the X Four Three training staff. This class will only be made available if there are multiple requests that week. The makeup class will be at 11am and will be by appointment only.

Just because there won't be any WODs posted on the weekend, doesn't mean that there occasionally won't be something of interest posted. Recipes, articles, and topics of discussion will be the things that will fill the space of the rest days on the X Four Three blog. Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, feelings, and exercise and nutrition findings that you think others might find interesting.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

WOD 9.7.12

10 rounds:

10 Back Squats, 95/65
20 Double-unders

Post time to comments.

WOD from CF Apex

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WOD 9.6.12

The ESPN TV schedule for the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games has been released!!! Check it out!



5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%


5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

*% is based off of 90% of your 1RM


"Death by Burpees"

1 Burpee the first minute
2 Burpees the second minute
3 Burpees the third minute
Continue until you can not complete all burpees before the start of the next minute.

*The 10 minute mark must be reached. There is a 20 air squat penalty for every minute under the 10 minute mark. For example, if you stop after 7 minutes, there is a 60 air squat penalty that must be completed immediately as quickly as possible.

Post loads and reps for the third set and number of minutes/reps and squats to comments.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WOD 9.5.12


3 rounds for time:

400m run
21 KBS, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

WOD 9.4.12

Today is the first day of our new strength program. We will be following a modified Wendler 5/3/1 program that will include the following lifts:

Back Squat
Front Squat
Power Snatch
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk

We will be splitting these 8 lifts. Month 1 will have 4 of the lifts trained and Month 2 will consist of the other four lifts. Accessory work will come in the form of the WODs. These main strength days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please do your best to make it to these classes so that you do not miss any parts of the program.


Back Squat:

5 reps @ 65% (based off of your 90% 1RM)
5 reps @ 75%
5 reps @ 85%


For time:

50 Power cleans, 135#

Post loads and time to comments.